Sunday, May 2, 2010

Gardening the Day Away

So I did a lot more gardening this weekend. I ran out of mulch, so imagine the bed along the driveway with a lot more of this pretty red mulch.

So I planted something that I thought was tulips out back last summer. But I noticed that it is super tall and still hasn't bloomed.
So I went out there to investigate and I'm fairly certain this isn't a tulip ... but I have no clue as to what it actually is.
Below is a type of sedum called "Lidakense" stonecrop that I just planted. It'll get redish pink flowers later in the summer/fall, I believe, but the real beauty is it's normal foliage. Isn't it pretty?

Here's two of my new plants. The twigs on the right are going to be a hybrid tea rose.This is a Concorde Japanese Barberry. It's going to get tiny yellow flowers and small red fruits on it soon, and then the foliage gets a more intense color in fall.

And this picture is just plain cute.

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