I managed to snag a new feeder for my wild bird seed at Wegmans for about $4.00. Can't beat that. And it actually matches the black bracket better than the other feeder.
Something new growing. Can't remember what it is that I planted last fall. lol
It's another super tall plant like the allium, though.
Mini-rose. From when I took the pictures last night, several blooms opened up! Man, I can't wait to rip out the chain-link fence though.
Haha, my poor peony. I planted it about a month and a half too late for it to do much this summer, I think.
Endless Summer hydrangea.
My hybrid tea rose. Not to impressive this year, but hopefully next year will be better.
My sunflower sprouts are shooting up like crazy. I think they have about 5 more feet to go, though. lol
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