Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Double Wedding Reception

The Saturday after Thanksgiving, my brother and new sister-in law had their wedding reception back in Michigan. The fun part was that it was a joint reception with her sister and sister's new husband. Basically, this was one big reception. lol It was a great night, though. Everyone had a lot of fun and the whole thing went just as smoothly as a "regular" reception. haha

Pictured above from left to right: My brother Adam, his wife Andrea, her sister Emily, and Emily's husband Nick.
Since I was "off-duty" as photographer for the night, all pics here are courtesy of my dad. :-) My only responsibility was to give the toast for Adam and Andrea. I cried through the entire thing. lol Everyone said "good job" to me, but I'm not sure they could even understand what I was saying through the sobs. hahaha Oh well, at least everyone knows it was from the heart.

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